RETAIL & BUSINESS is meant to be enjoyed in conjunction with the Funk Zone Map, your guide to the Zone. Pick up a Funk Zone Map at the Santa Barbara Visitors Centers, at participating businesses, or at most hotels in Santa Barbara. If you'd like to be on the map, contact us!

Eat This Shoot That Food Tours
Fri-Sun, Year Round
Taste the best food in Santa Barbara on a photo-interactive food tour or wine tour in downtown Santa Barbara. Perfect mix of food, wine, fun & culture!
Jess Conti Leather Goods
At Zone Studios, 121 Santa Barbara Street
Fri & Sat 12-5p, Thur, Sun, Mon 12-4p

Jules by the Sea, Santa Barbara
At Zone Studios, 121 Santa Barbara Street, St. B
Mon, Wed, Thur, Sun 12-4p; Fri & Sat 12-5p
Loveworn and Rodeo Gallery
11 Anacapa St.
Mon - Thu 11:30a - 7p, Fri/Sat 11:30a - 8p, Sun 12 - 7p

24 E. Mason St.
Mon, Wed, Thur, Sun 10a-6p, Fri & Sat 10a-7p
Our Funk Zone flagship. Home of the original once-forgotten sneaker brand. Rediscover the dream.

The Shopkeepers
137 Anacapa St. #A
Daily 11a-6p
Curious goods for curious people. is meant to be enjoyed in conjunction with the Funk Zone Map, your guide to the Zone. Pick up a Funk Zone Map at the Santa Barbara Visitors Centers, at participating businesses, or at most hotels in Santa Barbara. If you'd like to be on the map, contact us!