SB Funk Zone Live, a series of bimonthly “arts, wine, dine, and shop events,” successfully launched on March 29th, 2024 has grown traction and the next event is on the last Friday of July. The evening is compared to the popular Downtown Santa Barbara 1st Thursday monthly events yet supports locally-owned Funk Zone Businesses
Funk Zone venues are targeting Santa Barbara area locals and will open their doors late from 5-8 pm on the last Fridays of every other month (with November’s event swapped to December due to the holiday season).
Funk Zone Live has become a successful collaborative business model. 25 venues are participating in this creative artful event. These local business owners pull together agreeing to refer each other and the public to each other’s shop. July’s meeting was hosted by Rincon Brewery; owner Luisa Hyatt and her new manager Steve shared bites and beer tastes so everyone could talk up the tasty goods and send people over to the brewery on the corner of Santa Barbara Street and Yanonali St.
Kelly Clause, the newest artist to participate in Funk Zone Live, whose gallery/studio is located at 28 Anacapa St, was showing off a handcrafted necklace she bought from Jules at Jules By the Sea in the 121 Santa Barbara Quansit Hut.
"I love to see the mutual support and cooperation of the Funk Zone business owners. This is a unique community based on shared passions and entrepreneurialism. Meeting monthly at different spaces we all get a first-hand personal experience. Creative ideas and good news are shared. Everyone is wishing everyone well here -Parker Simon of Tendrel even got hugs for his new baby and the new location on 223 Anacapa St.," says Jana Brody, coordinator of SB Funk Zone Live.
Shared resources are key, Erica Brown of Dylan Star on 110 Anacapa St. offered to create an “Instagram Prize Giveaway” promotion to draw more attention to July 26th. Look for details and prizes on Instagram @dylanstarboutique.
SB Funk Zone Live is an eclectic experience for locals and visitors alike, suitable for all ages. Each registered venue will feature an art element; non-art venues are encouraged to host a local artist or band.
Participating venues will be open from 5:00 - 8:00 pm and the SB Funk Zone Live series dates for 2024 are: July 26, September 27, December 6.
Santa Barbara's Funk Zone is a hub for arts, dining, wine, beer, spirits, retail shops, hotels, creative energy, and unique culture. JOIN US FOR FUN-K and celebrate art, music, wine, and dining in the vibrant Funk Zone of Santa Barbara.
For more information, please contact: Jana Brody, coordinator of SB Funk Zone Live at 805-448-6873.